David Carson kann es einfach nicht lassen. Er liebt nun mal das Surfen, die Wellen und nun ja natürlich die Surfbretter. In seinem Design exklusiv vertriebenes Surfbrett sieht sogar viel mehr nach einem Meisterwerk der Kunst als nur eines Grafikdesigners. Respekt!
Über David Carson:
„David Carson is most widely recognized for his innovative style of layout and unconventional typography with work on magazines such as Beach Culture, Ray Gun, and Transworld Skateboarding. A feature in Newsweek magazine said of Carson he changed the public face of graphic design.
Carson graduated with ‘honors and distinction’ from San Diego State University, where he received a BFA degree in sociology. Named to I. D S magazine list of top forty influential designers, Carson lectures throughout the world at various professional symposiums, including designer as editor at the Design Institute in Amsterdam as well as colleges throughout America, including Cranbrook, Art Center, and Cal Arts. He has had various one-man exhibitions of his work worldwide.“
Surfbrett-Designer… Was es nicht alles gibt! Hätte ich nicht gedacht!