Lamp – Stella

Schöne produktdesign Bilder:

Lamp – Stella

Bild von Mats Hage Eikemo
My first assignment at IPD, NTNU. In our first semester we had to design a lamp. I ended up with a lamp derived from a origami instruction I found for a star. The lamp is only made out 20 sheets of 20x20cm regular paper.

Produktdesign Arbeit aus dem ersten Semester – Aufgabe: Gestaltung einer Lampe. Inspiriert durch Origami in Sternform. Die Lampe wurde mit 20 Blättern aus normalem Papier.

Stella – detail quintet fold

Bild von Mats Hage Eikemo
My first assignment at IPD, NTNU. In our first semester we had to design a lamp. I ended up with a lamp derived from a origami instruction I found for a star. The lamp is only made out of paper – 20 sheets of 20x20cm regular paper.

This picture shows a detail of the folding.

See the entire lamp here.

Stella – detail edge fold

Bild von Mats Hage Eikemo
My first assignment at IPD, NTNU. In our first semester we had to design a lamp. I ended up with a lamp derived from a origami instruction I found for a star. The lamp is only made out of paper – 20 sheets of 20x20cm regular paper.

This picture shows a detail of the folding.

Hier die ganze Lampe ansehen

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